What kind of home organiser are you?

What kind of home organiser are you?

We all love a Sunday tidy but apparently there's four different types of organiser. Wondering which type you are? Keep reading

From Khloe Kardashian’s meticulously colour-coded and labelled cupboards, to laid-back Florence Welch’s shelves bursting with eclectic treasures, everyone has a unique organisational style.

Research by furniture and décor brand Maisons du Monde and behavioural psychologist Donna Dawson has revealed just what your organising habits say about you!

So, are you a Decorative Decanter, a Heartfelt Hoarder, a Mindful Maximalist or an Opportunistic Organiser? Read on to find out!


Decorative Decanters

Decorative interior

Do you…

  • Decant premium food and drink into display containers but never eat or drink it?
  • Prefer to eat directly out of the box in the cupboard so that your display goes undisturbed?
  • Admit to having display candles which you never light?
  • Have special “best” towels, napkins or oven gloves which are kept purely to make an impression on guests?

Celebrity Decorative Decanter: Khloe Kardashian’s organisational prowess is evident in her perfectly aligned pantry with co-ordinated, labelled containers.

The verdict…

People demonstrating this personality type tend to have a relaxed attitude to their home when alone, but are always careful to give off a good impression to visitors. Decorative Decanters always want to make a good impression, and where better to do that than at home!

As Donna explains: 'This type of person tends to be very ambitious and will work hard to attain what they want. Their creativity is at its best when they are under pressure. Their time management isn’t a priority as they’d rather be relaxing, having a good time – but they can manage it in spurts. These people only tend to do housework when necessary but put even more effort in when visitors are coming. They want to show their home at its best, and know it’s the small things that make a big impression – so they rush around, creating an impressive upmarket space.'


Heartfelt Hoarders

Nostalgic hoarder home

Do you…

  • Still own your favourite childhood toy?
  • Still store clothes you haven’t worn for over 10 years?

Celebrity Heartfelt Hoarder: Kate Hudson still has a Miu Miu little black dress she bought aged 16.

The verdict…

Heartfelt Hoarders are often sentimental about objects such as perfume, art pieces and music and tend to be inspired by their imagination when decorating their home.

According to Donna, people demonstrating this personality trait 'tend to be quieter and more thoughtful, with a romantic, nostalgic streak. People are important to them and they put a lot of work into their friendships and relationships, hoping to get back as much as they give.'

Heartfelt Hoarders also spend one and a half days a year creating and flicking through photo albums. As Donna explains, 'The past is also precious, and to this end they keep photo albums and hold onto special cards and love letters. Much of this is not on public show.'


Mindful Maximalists

Overly decorative interior

Do you…

  • Often run out of shelf space to display all your ornaments and photos?
  • Buy objects without having anywhere to store them?

Celebrity Mindful Maximalist: Florence Welch adorns every inch of wall space with an eclectic mix of souvenirs and personal memories.

The verdict…

According to Donna, Mindful Maximalists have 'a confident, outgoing personality. They love being with people and talking about their life experiences, and feel that their homes should reveal the souvenirs and life trophies they’ve accumulated.'

People displaying this personality type are also the type who creates a welcoming interior for their friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Donna explains: 'They believe in a balanced life: working hard and playing hard. They think about new opportunities all the time, as they want to succeed using any creative talents they have. They manage time to suit themselves, and are usually self-employed. Stress is seen as something positive; a spur to greater things.'


Opportunistic Organisers

Extra organised interior

Do you…

  • Like to rearrange shoes, pillows or cutlery in a friends’ house?
  • Enjoy reorganising the cupboards at work?
  • Admit to rearranging tables to your liking when eating out in restaurants?

Celebrity Opportunistic Organisers: David Beckham reportedly tidies all the leaflets and all the books in his hotel rooms before he can relax.

The verdict…

According to Donna, people demonstrating these behaviour types are 'most at ease when everything is in its rightful place and then they can truly relax' and tend to be 'hard-working and practical, and their creative streak tends to be revealed in the way they organise things. All areas of their life tend to run like clockwork and they are very good timekeepers, rarely late for events.'

'They mean well and try to be helpful… they just sometimes need to consider when to let go and allow people to be themselves, and when to delegate and sit back!'

Commenting on the findings, Maisons du Monde’s Global Brand Director, Anne-Laure Couplet, said: 'We all have our organisation preferences. From decanting everything we own into neat boxes and jars, to filling every free space with photographs and accessories, our research reveals just how various the nation’s organisation habits are.

'With a rising demand for beautiful storage solutions for house-proud Brits, and smaller living spaces, we’re continuing to expand our selection of stunning shelving, innovative containers and ergonomic racks to satisfy all manner of organisation cravings.'

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