Step 1
Carefully dismantle the pallet with a hammer and crowbar. Remove all the nails by hammering the pointed ends. Sand the pallet wood and scaffolding board until smooth. Cut the scaffolding board into the following lengths: 45cm, 73cm and 100cm.
Step 2
Cut the pallet wood into the following lengths: 4 x 120cm (for the A-frame); 6 x 23cm (for the shelf supports). Using a tape measure and pencil, measure 25mm from the end of a 120cm length up the left-hand side. Draw a line to the opposite corner to create a small triangle and cut off with a saw. Repeat on the other three 120cm lengths.
Step 3
Arrange two of the 120cm lengths into an A-shape with their feet flat against a support. Ensure the two lengths overlap at the top then mark where the two lengths overlap. Cut away the small triangle on the top piece, then the larger shape from the bottom piece so the lengths form one point. Repeat this step with the other two lengths.
Step 4
To screw each A-shape together, place them together on a flat surface. Use a drill bit slightly larger than the screwhead to form two shallow countersinks in the side of one of the lengths where they join. Drill a screw into each countersink to secure the lengths together. Repeat with the other A-shape.
Step 5
On each A-shape, measure and mark 5cm, 45cm and 85cm from the base of the A-shape and use a set square to draw a line across the wood. From the inside edge of the A-shape, mark each line at 1cm. This will be the corner point for each shelf support. Repeat on each of the marked lines on the A-frame.
Step 6
Place a long offcut or a spirit level across an A-shape to connect one of the marked points to its counterpart. Place a shelf support against this edge and draw around it. Measure 1cm down from the top and up from the bottom of the guidelines to mark the screw fixings. Repeat on the other five shelf support locations on both A-shapes. Use a drill bit smaller than the screw diameter to drill pilot holes into each of the screw fixing points. Hold a shelf support in the required location and screw it in with a drill. Repeat with the other five supports, then attach the second A-frame on top, aligning the screw fixing holes with the shelf supports.
Step 7
Using a decorator’s scraper and filler, fill the holes and scrape the surface to make it flush with the wood. Leave to fully dry then sand. Paint the A-frame in your preferred shade, we’ve used white for a Scandi feel. Leave to dry, then recoat if needed. Varnish the scaffolding board lengths and leave to completely dry.
Step 8
Lay each scaffolding board onto the shelf supports in the A-frame. Shelf fixings shouldn’t be required but avoid overloading either end to prevent the shelf tipping.