How to make your own fabric magazine rack

How to make your own fabric magazine rack

Give your favourite magazines pride of place on your wall with a super stylish hanging rack

Published: June 9, 2021 at 9:43 am

There’s more than one way to add colour and pattern to your walls, why not try your hand at stitching this vibrant magazine rack? It’s a great way to display your favourite reads, plus it will add a splash of colour to your walls, maximise vertical storage space and put your sewing skills to the test.

You will need:

  • 1m patterned cotton fabric
  • 1m plain cotton lining fabric
  • 6m twisted cord or rope
  • Embroidery thread to match the rope
  • 6 x 50cm wooden dowels
  • Clear sticky tape
  • 6 buttons
  • Iron
  • Basic sewing kit

Step 1

Cut three rectangles of patterned fabric to 41 x 65cm, and three the same size in the plain lining fabric. With right sides together (RS), place one piece of the patterned fabric against a lining piece. Repeat for the other fabric pieces.

Step 2

Pin the fabric panels together in their pairs. Taking one pair at a time, sew around all four sides using a seam allowance of 1cm and leaving a 10cm gap along one of the longer edges.

Once you have sewn all three panels, using the gap in the stitching, turn them right side out. Push your fingers right into the corners and iron the panels to smooth them out, then sew the gap closed on each of the panels.

Step 3

Taking each panel with the plain side up, fold the top edge over to the back by 5cm to create a channel, then pin and sew in place. To make the front channel, fold the bottom edge up by the same amount and pin, then sew in place. Feed the dowels through all six channels on the three panels.


Step 4

Take the twisted cord or rope and cut it into two equal lengths, then fold both lengths in half; wrap clear tape around the centre to hold the two lengths together.

Step 5

Lay out the panels and fold them to create the pockets, then lay out the rope and position the top pocket. Mark the position of the top dowels on the cord on both sides. Wrap embroidery thread around both cords just above and just below where you marked on the cord to create a slot for the top dowel. Move down 8-10cm and make a slot for the next dowel to support the front of the pocket.

Step 6

Repeat this process for the next two pockets and tie them in place.

Step 7

Tie off the cord on the last pocket then hang the magazine storage in place. Make any movement adjustments that are needed. Wrap clear tape around the cord lengths before trimming off any excess at the bottom.

Step 8

Sew two buttons 5cm in from each end of the back section of the panels. Remove the tape from the top section, to finish.

Project and feature Samantha Claridge. Main photo Phil Sowels. Styling Beth Charlton Lucas. 

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