How to make your house a pollen-free zone

How to make your house a pollen-free zone

Suffer from hay fever? Here's how to reduce the amount of pollen in your home

Published: November 5, 2021 at 11:59 am

Hay fever can be a real nuisance during the warmer months. If you’re a sufferer, follow our top tips to keep your home free of pollen and other airborne allergens…

• As tempting as it is to open all your doors to let in a breeze, we’d recommend that you keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible during hay fever season.

If you really need to open them, avoid the morning and evening as this is when the pollen count is highest. Instead, you could invest in an air conditioner. Max Wiseberg, Airborne Allergens Expert at HayMax, recommends choosing one ‘with a HEPA filter to capture the pollen particles, cool and circulate the air.’

• Put your vacuum into overdrive; a daily blitz of the house will make a big difference. Make sure to focus on beds and fabrics where allergens quickly build up, and dust surfaces with a damp cloth so that you don’t cast pollen back into the air.

• Avoid hanging your laundry to dry outside. Although hanging it inside on a clothes airer is less convenient, it’ll ensure that minimal pollen gets onto your clothes. It’s also wise to remove your clothes and have a quick wash as soon as you arrive home to prevent any allergens transferring to your sofa or bed.

• If you have a pet, make sure that you keep it well-groomed to remove pet allergens and pollen particles. Try wiping their coats with a damp cloth before allowing them inside the house.

• Even if you do all of the above, there’s still a chance pollen will get into your home. If your hay fever is still flaring up, a deep clean of your curtains and removable furniture covers is a good idea!

For more cleaning advice and tips check out our cleaning section

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